
The main objective of this project is to pave the way for a more flexible, universal and serial interface (USB-type) leveraging the existing standard interconnects for On-Orbit Servicing and assembly applications.

After the definition of a standardization level, the design of a universal and serial standard interface will be proposed and demonstrated orienting its features towards compactness, docking symmetry, large docking misalignment tolerances, large loads transfer, data/power transfer redundancy and especially interoperability with other interfaces.

Currently interoperability is the only remaining requirement which is not met by any existing space connector/interface. The project will then perform a dedicated experimental benchmark to confirm the achievement of this specific requirement as well as its prospective industrial exploitation.


Objective 1: The definition of a complete and self-consistent technical specification for the development of the future space standard interconnects (SIs)

The upgrade of parameters and protocols for the development of a universal and serial interface (USB-like) able to mechanically connect two space elements and to provide data and power transfer between them when assembled on orbit. The level of standardization is defined by the space platform and equipment architectures and by the robotic capabilities during the on-orbit servicing and assembly operations. The level of standardization is particularly oriented towards the issue of compactness, large docking misalignment tolerances, docking symmetry, large loads transfer, redundancy of data and power transfers and interoperability between the existing solutions.

Objective 2: The concept and verification of the new standards

The definition of a technology concept and its demonstration in a laboratory environment for OOS and assembly applications. The proposed technology prototype shall leverage as much as possible the existing SIs mainly including aspects of interoperability between them.

Objective 3: Technology maturation through industrial collaboration

A technology maturation achieved by fostering the collaboration among industrial competitors. A synergistic working approach among European manufacturers of standards interconnects (SIs) will be employed to firstly define a complete and self-consistent technical specification for the development of a universal and serial space interface (USB-like), and then, to develop and demonstrate the applicability of the proposed specification by leveraging on the existing technology solutions. Cooperation will be particularly oriented towards the issue of the demonstration of the interoperability between the existing solutions.

If you’d like to take part in the project and tell us about your expectations and needs in terms of interconnect interfaces, don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’ll be delighted to talk things over.

